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  1. Past hour
  2. Richie B

    Attestation forms

    In the UK, they were the papers completed when enlisting in the Armed Forces. A legal document signed by the applicant and witnessed by the Recruiting Officer.
  3. Today
  4. I was digging around and found this anorak used by mountain troops in swamp camo. Photos of it in use and more information would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I found this anorak in swamp the was used by Gebirgsjäger. I was wondering if anyone has more information and photos of it in use?
  6. S.ChrisKelly


    Here are some comparative images. The Luftschutzmedaille is the early, lightweight type. Almost feels like solid aluminum, like it was made from a soft drink can. The Volkspflegemedaille is the early solid tombak type.
  7. Yesterday
  8. S.ChrisKelly


  9. S.ChrisKelly


    For SARGE... I started this topic as a study of the 1939 Kriegsverdienstmedaille, which is, still today, likely one of the most widely available and least expensive of the Third Reich awards still out there for collectors and enthusiasts. You have successfully distracted me from the subject at hand. I have greatly enjoyed researching the Luftschutz awards and insignia, as well as learning about the organization itself. It's one of the earliest of the Third Reich organizations, and it survived until the last day of the Second World War. Like the KVM, the Luftschutz medals are primarily civilian awards, not widely reproduced and not in great demand. I was shocked at how expensive the Luftschutz material is, especially badges and insignia for uniformed (presumably full-time personnel). Ironically, the stuff isn't rare, and it's not in high demand, apparently. I just wish it were less expensive or I had more disposable income. Like the KVM, there is not much out there in the way of scholarly research and collectors' guides for any and all of the Luftschutz items. I found it a truly fascinating subject. Got a few more images which might help. Images 3 and 4 show a zinc medal, the "heavy" type. Sources: https://griffinmilitaria.com/product/luftschutz-civil-air-defense-decoration-first-class/ https://griffinmilitaria.com/product/boxed-luftschutz-honor-decoration-2nd-class/ https://www.germanmilitaria.com/Luftwaffe/photos/L000787.html
  10. Cap Camouflage Pattern I

    Saudi Arabian Army US-Made Tan Ground Troops Liner

    I've found what I believe is the matching US-made shell. The tan paint is factory applied, with no green paint visible where it is chipped off. The chinstrap is the post-1972 style as I would expect for 1976 production and unlike the earlier style used on the "made in R.O.C." helmets. Unfortunately I cannot make out a lot number inside. The rank on the front is not Saudi and I cannot figure out what it is.
  11. Preppy Picker

    My War Room

    Very professional.
  12. Carrabassett

    My War Room

    Great start to your collection! Very nicely displayed and described. I love the framed displays of your grandparents. Keep it up!
  13. S.ChrisKelly


    A rarely seen stickpin for the Luftschutzmedaille, this one in tombak:
  14. Last week
  15. Weindrew

    Gebirgsjäger Camo Anorak

    I was looking around and found some Gebirgsjäger smock in marsh camo and was wondering if there are any photos of it in use? thanks!
  16. Marshallj

    RAF souvenir hunter

    This German NCO is examining his RAF goodies.
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  17. What exactly are Attestation forms?
  18. Soviet Order of Maternal Glory, 1rst, 2nd, and 3rd class.
  19. Moose46

    Researching family military history

    Thank you, I am looking forward to picking everyone's brain to fill in the blanks left by government documents
  20. Proud Kraut

    8.8 cm Flak on 9t VOMAG - Scale 1/35

    Currently I´m working on the driver´s cab and the gun platform.
  21. Proud Kraut

    Researching family military history

    Welcome to the WMF!
  22. RRA227

    My War Room

    Nice display. Rich A. in Pa.
  23. Marshallj

    My War Room

    Very nice.
  24. Danny J

    My War Room

    Thought I would share my collection on here and maybe add pics over time. Very new to the hobbie (couple years) but thoroughly enjoying collecting from this amazing era in history. My favourite pieces are my grandparents frames, and my medal collection. Enjoy
  25. What would an average soldier carry with him on this trek up the Nile. What were the weapons used and how much would it weight.
  26. Don

    My WWII Collection.

    That is a 1943 German Hauptmann (captain) greatcoat. I have added a filled map case, leather gloves, iron cross second class ribbon and a open claw belt and buckle.
  27. Preppy Picker

    My WWII Collection.

    What’s that uniform hidden under the sports shirt and behind the US jacket?
  28. Don

    My WWII Collection.

    Thank you. I have three of them. Luft, HJ and Heer.
  29. jayhawkhenry

    IJA late model canteen, 1944?

    I would put that setup as mid war. The late war type were very simplified and didn’t have the lower band around the bottom.
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