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    • Martyn
      Hi. To me this looks good and has no glow under black light (although I know that that doesn't mean that it's original). It is well made with a metal (magnetic) insert. Please can anyone advise on this one please? Thank you
    • Mr. Bushido
      Such a beautiful uniform!   My guess is that the owner of this uniform is an "【経理科】Accountant" service. Perhaps the color has faded with age.   The badge is a type called a "【隊号章】unit and number badge". Here, "【中】Chu" means "【中部】Chūbu region", not "【中国】China". In other words, he belongs to "【中部軍管区】Central District Army" or the headquarters that took over from this headquarters.   The numbers are sequential numbers for large units, so they are different from the numbers that name individual units. Therefore, I was unable to identify the actual unit using the documents I have.
    • Gunner87
      It is my understanding that he would be an Adult Instructor holding a Commission in the Cadet Force as opposed to the Regular Army or Territorial Force as it was then.    The officer would not be qualified to lead adult soldiers.   At least that is how it is now.   Of note, and not sure how it is in the US, but you can currently join the British Army at 16.   That is a private purchase tunic as was normal practice and expected of officers.
    • patches
      So if this C does stand for Cadets, would this Captain of the HLI be seconed to the Cadets as a instructor?
    • abufletcher
      Very impressive and unique uniform, Sarge.  And I agree that the research is half the fun.  (Sadly, even after a quarter century of working in Japan, my Japanese skills are still sadly lacking.)   Note:  The business card on the left is upside down.
    • abufletcher
      Another question I have is about the rank insignia.  Most online charts show red and yellow, instead of the red and olive green on this uniform.   Allan's uniform also has the red and olive green insignia.   After looking at the division color chart again (and finding another instance of a similar color on eBay) I think mine might be of the "intendence" department, which is a British term for "administrative."  That would make since given the brigade's roll in China and the condition of the uniform.
    • Gunner87
      Hi Dave. Sent you a pm.... Gunner
    • Ivydiv
      How elusive is it to find one of the Panzer shooting award lanyards, any class? Wondering how hard it will be to find one, and ballpark price. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks  Dave
    • Gunner87
      Hi patches   Young men 13 upwards I believe but in this article it says 'who have passed the age of make-believe'    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_Cadet_Force   Gunner
    • abufletcher
      Thanks for the speedy reply!  I had guessed the snaps might be related to a collar since all photos show this type of tunic work with a bit of white collar sticking out.  I had heard of replaceable paper collars (or starched collars) but never celluloid.    If you had to guess about the division, what would you say?   I'd sure like to find some information about the unit patch.  I haven't seen those on other tunics.  The university I worked at is located in Zentsuji, Kagawa and there is a Jeitai base there with a small military museum.  I wonder if someone there might be able to answer this question.    I'll post a few more detailed photos of the tunic and pants when I get a chance.  I got a great deal on the price for the tunic and pants both because I'm a repeat customer and due to the current dollar/yen exchange rate (150 yen to the dollar).  Here's the story:  When I went back to the shop after being gone for a year, I asked the older gentleman who owns the shop if he still remembered me.  He did and was pleased to see me.  I looked around the shop and eventually focused my attention on the uniform.  It looked very nice but I had to ask the price.  He quoted me 40,000 yen (about $266) because it was such fine quality.   I agreed, but said it was a bit too much for me and counter-offered with 30,000 yen (about $200).  He asked if I would be returning to Kochi and I told him that unfortunately, probably not.  After a moment or two, he agree to 30,000 yen adding that it was "omiyage" (a "gift").   I was very pleased...and I think he was too.     Eventually, I'll also get around to posting photos of the various decorations and medals I acquired including (boxed) 5th and 6th class of the Golden Kite.  I've just found a website for "Imperial Mixed Brigades" that includes a 82.  It is listed as part of the Japanese 20th Army which took part in the Second Sino-Japanese War.  The 82 brigade is listed as serving in Zhuzhou, China.  I wonder if the 中 kanji designates brigades that served in China, since the Japanese word for China is 中國 (chuu-koku = middle country).   Imperial Mixed Brigades   Japanese 20th Army
    • SARGE
      First off, welcome aboard.   You have a very nice custom tailored Japanese Army officer style uniform.  The tailor has stitched the quilting pattern in the lining in contrasting thread showing a mum motif.  He has done this to show the quality of his work.     The branch squiggle above the right breast pocket is extra quality for the officer rather than the standard item of issue branch "M".  These were largely discontinued during the war and it does look faded.  I think you are right thinking the patch below it is a unit designation.     The "snaps" inside the collar are for the attachment of a white celluloid collar that could be changed daily.  Sometimes these buttons can also be found in the cuffs serving the same purpose.  Check my summer Military Police tunic shown on this thread for a similar setup.    
    • abufletcher
      First a brief self-introduction since I'm new to this forum.  I'm an American, but for 26 years I was a professor at a small private university on the island of Shikoku.  During this time I picked up a number of military items along with other antiques in small shops.  I'm now back visiting for a month and stopped by one of my favorite small antique shops in the southern city of Kochi.    The rank insignia corresponds to captain ( " taii").  The tunic is obviously custom tailored of superior materials...and is in virtually perfect condition.  It is quilted as Allan mentioned for his tunic.  The lining used (not seen in these photos) is also high quality and to my eye looks representative of the 1930-40s.  The officer's name is embroidered on a tag on the inside.  I was told how to read it, but have forgotten.  I'll ask a friend.    There are a couple of curiosities about this tunic.  First, I also can't specifically identify the color of the division "M" strip.  It may have faded over time.  Also it doesn't have the khaki outline often seen.  Instead the M is stitched directly onto the tunic.  And below that is what I can only guess is a unit designation:  Naka or Chu 82.  I haven't been able to find any information about this unit.   Above the left pocket there are several threads for hanging decorations.    Another mystery for me is the rather large "snaps" on the back of the collar.  What would they attach to?  They would seem quite uncomfortable to me.  The enlisted man's summer tunic I have does not have these snaps.   The tunic came with a pair of Jodhpur-style riding pants.  Overall, the uniform seems larger than some of the enlisted uniforms I have bought in the past.  I would say this officer was as least average size and average height.     
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