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Patch from Mad Mike Hoare's 5 Commando

Bob Hudson

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Here’s a video with my buddy Harris G, a collector who lives near me in Southern California.

In the 1960’s his dad was an executive with Ford International and athe family lived in South Africa when Harris was in what we Yanks called junior high school.
50 years ago the family took a steamship up the east coast of Africa and Harris was befriended by two members of Mike Hoare’s 5 Commando. Since we did the video, a photo Harris found online shows that one of the guys is J. Van-Der Hoek, who served 1965 in 5 Commando.






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Very neat patch & story! Glad it was rediscovered!


I was glad I was able to record the story. He was a good sport about it. We were drinking beers on my patio when he started telling the story and I stopped him and said, "Wait...I gotta get this on video."

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my little contribution with this set


@+, hughes



Thanks for sharing that. Which of these versions is yours?



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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Those who know the region heard Harris when he mispoke, referring to the "Mau Mau uprising" instead of the Simba rebellion. We'll blame it on the beer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Such a cool patch, I remember watching the video when it was put up. What I would give to be able to meet some of the guys who served in 5 Commando.

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  • 1 year later...

Ik las de naam J van der Hoek voorbijkomen, op de lijst van vrijwilligers 5 commando komt zijn naam ook voor met als afkomst/herkomst Nederland...heeft iemand misschien meer info over hem, zou fijn zijn.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/22/2019 at 1:46 AM, Gunslinger said:

Here is a 5 Commando badge that was removed from a beret, very hard to find and desirable insignia.






These badges were sold via the pages of Soldier of Fortune in the early 1980's. I believe it is a fantasy piece and has no actual connection to the Congo mercenaries. Sorry, but this is definitely not the badge used by members of 5 Commando in the Congo.

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