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Imperial Women Regimental Chiefs


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Did one for the Germans so lets do the Russians.


The Daughters of the Czar.

Olga 3rd Elisavetgrad Hussar Regimentand Tatiana 8th Voznesensky Uhlan Regiment.



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 Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna Romanova in an unidentified regiment, perhaps one of the Life Guard Infantry Regiments of which there were several, Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna  was daughter of Czar Alexander III's brother Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, and married in the Greek Royal House.


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Regiment: 3rd Elizavetgradsky Hussar’s Regiment
Year she became colonel: 1909


Regiment: 8th Voznesensky Uhlans
Year she became colonel: 1911


Regiment: 5th Kazansky Dragoons
Year she became colonel: 1913


Anastsia it turns out was given a Regiment, the 148th Kaspiansky Infantry in 1915 perhaps the reason no photo of her in the Regimental Uniform was taken will be because of the war.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna 14th Yamburgski Uhlan Regiment, she was the daughter of Czar Alexander II, thus the sister of Czar Alexander III and aunt of Nicolas II.


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Helen Mirren as Catherine the Great in the uniform of the Preobrazhensk Guards, not sure if she was their Chief, but she was their favorite, and they like wise her's. Her predecessor Czarina Elisabeth  also wore Guards uniforms and also apparently men's military wigs (can't find images of that).

catheran helen mrren.PNG

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Tatiana's helmet on the left and Czarina Alexandra on the right, these are we would image in a musuem, amazing these syrved right, think a couple of them also are still around.



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Another Aunt of the last Czar, Aunt by marriage. Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna formally Duchess Marie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin till she was married to Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich a son of Czar Alexander II, thus brother of the future Czar Alexander III, thus one of Nicky's Uncles.


Chief of the 137th Nezhin Infantry.  

Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna.jpg

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  • 4 months later...
On 2/4/2022 at 9:47 PM, patches said:

Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, 1914, Brought To Life (AI)




This first video got deleted, so lets do it again, this one a extended version AI into her old age.



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  • 6 months later...

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia, Daughter of Czar Nicolas I. Colonel of  3rd Elisavetgrad Hussar Regiment, this is probably from the early 1840s before she became the Queen of Württemberg in 1846.

queen olga 3rd russ hussars.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

Grand Duchess Elisabeth Fedorovna, older sister of Czarina Alexandra, thus Sister in Law of the Czar, she was Colonel of the 5th Kiev Grenadier Regiment, the honor was passed on to her after the assassination of her husband Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich in 1905, he was the Colonel of the Regiment.


As we know she became a Nun and founded a Convent after the death  of her husband, and during the Civil War was murdered by the Reds in 1918.


Don't have a photo of her in the Regimental Uniform, but here she is along with the 5th Kiev Grenadier's Color.



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  • 1 year later...
On 2/21/2023 at 12:01 AM, patches said:

Grand Duchess Elisabeth Fedorovna, older sister of Czarina Alexandra, thus Sister in Law of the Czar, she was Colonel of the 5th Kiev Grenadier Regiment, the honor was passed on to her after the assassination of her husband Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich in 1905, he was the Colonel of the Regiment.


As we know she became a Nun and founded a Convent after the death  of her husband, and during the Civil War was murdered by the Reds in 1918.


Don't have a photo of her in the Regimental Uniform, but here she is along with the 5th Kiev Grenadier's Color.



A Icon of Saint Elizabeth Feodorovna.


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