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Fortunes Of War

I have a handful of veteran decorated, Type 90 steeel helmets.  Some are fairly plain, giving only the name of an island battle and perhaps the date when the veteran was there.  Others are more elaborately painted and took quite a bit of imagination and talent to create.  This particular example is one of my favorites; I tend to think that it is a more modern creation, but I really like it nevertheless.  The liner is a standard Type 90 leather liner; many examples lack the liner.  You can also see the notation about the Doolittle Raid.  It includes the names of some of the Raiders painted on it.  I am always looking to see others, so if anyone has an example, go ahead and post it here.

Japanese painted helmet #2 (2).jpg

Japanese painted helmet #1 (2).jpg

Japanese painted helmet #4 (2).jpg

Japanese painted helmet #5 (2).jpg

Fortunes Of War

Thanks Jim, much appreciated!  

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