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German fieldpost letters/envelope need translated


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Hello everyone. I hope this is the right area for this. I have a German field post Letter w/envelope and was wondering if anyone could translate it?  Google is spotty with it all and making it hard to put it all together. Also attached is just a envelope w/o a letter. This first envelope goes with the letter. Anyones help would be greatly appreciated. 











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Hello, the translation maybe difficult for some as it is written in Sutterlin script, a type of cursive penmanship that has not been used for some time, sort of like today's youth can't read cursive let alone to attempt it, there are some that are proficient and if worse comes to worse I can pass it on to my good friend Mattias who lives in Germany and is capable, now the first Feldpost number if I read it correctly is 47639


47639    (30.7.1941-28.2.1942)    Nachrichten-Helferinnen-Einsatztrupp 73
47639    (23.4.1944-24.11.1944)    22.5.1944 gestrichen


The second Feldpost number 16765

16765(Mobilization-1.1.1940)7. Luftgau-Stabs-Nachrichten-Kompanie Luftgau-Nachrichten-Regiment 11

16765(28.4.1940-14.9.1940)2. Kompanie Luftgau-Nachrichten-Regiment 11

16765(6.4.1944-9.11.1944)14.10.1944 gestrichen


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Thanks for the info.

That would be great if your buddy could possibly translate it. Also what’s the numbers for?  Location I take it?

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28.4.1940-14.9.1940, these numbers represent the dates as done by the Germans even today,  Day/Month/Year so  28th day/ April / 1940, those datse indicate usage range, or dates used

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4 hours ago, Gwar said:

28.4.1940-14.9.1940, these numbers represent the dates as done by the Germans even today,  Day/Month/Year so  28th day/ April / 1940, those datse indicate usage range, or dates used

Ah yes. So obvious to. I just read it to fast 😁
Let me know what your buddy comes up with in the translation. Thanks. 

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1st letter, this is what I can decipher so far:


"Liebe Liesbeth! (Lisbeth short for Elisabeth) - Dear Liesbeth

Zu Deinem Geburtstag wünsche ich Dir von Herzen alles Gute. - Happy Birthday and all my best wishes

Vor allen Dingen jedoch Gesundheit, denn das ist ja doch... - First and foremost health because this is....

Möge Dir das neue Lebensjahr viel Freude bringen. - May the new year of life bring a lot of joy.

... froh mit Deinen Eltern, denn es ist doch schön, wenn man bei seinen Lieben daheim sein kann - ... with your parents, it´s great to be at home with the family.

Liebe Lisbeth nochmals alles Gute wünscht und grüsst Dich recht herzlich - dear Lisbeth once again my best wishes and greetings

Dein...  - Yours..

Recht herzliche Grüsse auch an Deine Eltern - Many greetings as well to your parents"


I wasn´t able to decipher the senders´ first name yet. Last name seems to be "Fröhling"


Adressee looks like Fräulein Lisbeth Krullmann ... Sachsen

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21 hours ago, Gwar said:

I can try Mattias, also there is a great translator on WAF, HPL2008

I just posted on there. Thanks. 

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