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ID: reproduction Khaki Drill Frock Cutaway Scottish Pattern


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6 hours ago, Kwc271 said:


 can anyone ID this tunic? Is it Scottish, British, etc.?

Thanks for the help.




Hello Kevin. 


That is a reproduction Khaki Drill Frock Cutaway Scottish Pattern, the type you would see worn in the Second Boer War. With regards identifying which regiment a tunic such as this came from then the buttons will assist. 


This particular garment was produced for a television show and can be found on ebay at https://www.ebay.com/itm/266304732642?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=nOd5Aze5Q3u&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY as such the buttons may not reflect the unit the actor is meant to be serving in. 


I hope that is of some use.



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2 hours ago, Kwc271 said:

Thank you, yes I saw this on eBay and was wondering if it was the real deal or a reproduction.


Pleasure Kevin. As I mentioned most British regiments have their own buttons so that is always a good guide..... not only deign but shape. There are ball buttons, black buttons and flat brass buttons. In addition the Crown can help date the item. It can be a bit bewildering but most info is online.....

Kevin.... just as an example I attach the following


Rifle Brigade black button with Queen Victoria Crown, issued between 1837 and 1902.  Just to confuse matters there were other Crowns used during Victorias reign but this was the main one. 

Honourable Artillery Company ball button with the Tudor Crown which was current between 1902 and 1953

Royal Engineers button with the Queen Elizabeth II, or St Edwards, Crown worn between 1953 and 2023.


I hope that is of some interest.








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