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Ten Mauser C96 pistols arranged to defend an Austro-Hungarian reconnaissance aircraft, 1917.

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The Austro-Hungarian aircraft gunner in the picture is seen using a Mauser C96 pistol combination, probably just for demonstration. Each pistol held a clip of ten bullets and the device attached to them fired them in unison, giving the gunner the ability to rapidly fire 100 rounds in volleys of 10.

Two bars passed through the five uppers and five lower trigger guards and were attached to the single aiming grip that can be seen in his hand. It had a trigger at the end which was pulled to fire all ten pistols at the same time.

Given the close arrangement of the pistols, if the gunfire did hit the enemy aircraft, it would have been like using a shotgun. With the light frame and canvas structures of early war aircraft that might have been enough to bring it down.

kuk brome handel.jpg


That is amazing.  I've never see pistols used like the.  Rather inventive I think.

Thanks for sharing that!!



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