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Afghan Medal but for what and when and from who?


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I purchased this piece recently, and it certainly Afghan-derived, but I'm unsure for what, from who and when this was made.  I've seen it listed as from the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan as a service award, but the construction doesn't match other medals I've seen from the DRA.


Right now, I'm presuming this was made by the US-backed Afghan government, but, again, I don't know this for certain and I could be incorrect.


Can anyone shed any light on this?

Thanks in advance.

Afghan Medal.jpg

Afghan Medal Back.jpg

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On 1/3/2024 at 9:17 PM, CaptConfederacy said:

I purchased this piece recently, and it certainly Afghan-derived, but I'm unsure for what, from who and when this was made.  I've seen it listed as from the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan as a service award, but the construction doesn't match other medals I've seen from the DRA.


Right now, I'm presuming this was made by the US-backed Afghan government, but, again, I don't know this for certain and I could be incorrect.


Can anyone shed any light on this?

Thanks in advance.

Afghan Medal.jpg

Afghan Medal Back.jpg


Hi CaptConfederacy.


This medal is listed on a Spanish site as 'Afghanistan Merit Medal' and appears to be in commercial packaging which may suggest it is not an official award. 







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On 1/6/2024 at 5:07 AM, Gunner87 said:


Hi CaptConfederacy.


This medal is listed on a Spanish site as 'Afghanistan Merit Medal' and appears to be in commercial packaging which may suggest it is not an official award. 







Thanks for the information and link.  The container that the website's medal is in looks like a special plastic case made specifically for medals.  (I have seen the cases used by both medal collectors as well as companies.) 


I'm kind of on the edge on whether or not it's a non-government sanctioned souvenir medal or perhaps an ISAF-backed Afghan medal.  It's been proving to be difficult to find solid info on what any of the post-Communist Afghan governments issued in terms of medals.


Thanks again for the link.

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