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4 differents Mle 15 Adrian helmets


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There are my 4 nicest Adrian helmet Mle 1915 from my personal collection.






The 1st one had been already presented in this forum: so lets go to the next one 


This is a very nice Colonial troops horizon blue painted, the leather liner is not not in his best state but the felt is made with the early red "garance"  it would be interesting to try to clean the leather one day. The Factory is certainly a Dupeyron :




The 3rd adrian is a Troupe d'Afrique Mle 15 in my view reconditioned during the 30's as the paint and the helmet symbol are typical of this period.





The last one is not french but french made for the Belgian market: the hull is standard, French manufacture from the compagnie des compteurs, and the insigna is indeed the model 15 used during WW1 .About the color, this a brown post WW1 and the leather is a personal purchase from a well-known Belgian hat maker.



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Beautiful helmets! I like the Troupes Afrique and the Belgian very much. Thank you for sharing.  Scott

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Very nice collection.  I love these Adrian helmets.  Thank you for showing them!!



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thanks for the comments


there is the last one found recently:



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Nice, there seems to be a lot of variations of these helmets.  Different units, veterans, foreign army use, etc.



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Yes there is many différents version of thoses adrians. these helmets were very successful during the war and especially after the war because France had  a very great military prestige during the interwar period. Many countries adopted it, you can even found them in Peru...

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