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I recently inherited some documents from Robert M Jewell 10th SFG Team FA3 in Bad Tolz in 1957.  From what I gather the US Special Forces were training these Germans in Parachuting and Combat.  Any comments and information would be appreciated.



Jewel with Germans.jpeg


download (1).jpeg

Preppy Picker

You might post this on the USMF to get it in front of more people who can help you out.

Proud Kraut

A leaflet, obviously used by members of 10th SF Groug during an exercise in southern Germany in August 1957.


Very briefly it´s about 30 Green Berets (led by supreme commander "Martin") who are training as a resistance group, the "Bayerische Freiheits Brigade" (Bavarian freedom brigade). Enemy forces are 500 soldiers from 11th Airborne Division. The green berets (alte Hasen = old hands, literally old rabbits) are moving by foot and were hunted by 11th Abn Div with planes and helicopters. The Bavarians are asked to support the green berets and not to tell 11th Abn Div members any informations about their movements. Appearance, different uniforms and the patch of the 11th Abn Div soldiers are described.


Together with the exercise patch and the honorable discharge document a fantastic grouping and awesome piece of history, thanks for sharing!


P.S.: The photo shows R.Jewell with 5 early Bundeswehr Fallschirmjaegern (paratrooper).


Thank You Proud Kraut,

Here are some other documents. from the exercise and  photos. I am blessed that Robert was a photographer and saved so many documents. I have over 300 slides from his 3 years at Bad Tolz. Here is his photo of 10th SFG FA3, Robert is 3rd from the left.


download (4).jpeg

download (2).jpeg

download (3).jpeg


Proud Kraut

You´re welcome. The second leaflet has nearly the same content as the first one. In the first paragraph it lists the towns and area where the exercise took place.

Thanks for sharing the additional photos, what an amazing grouping!

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