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Original WW2 Medal Ribbon or not?

Danny J

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Danny J

I have been noticing lately with some medals online, claiming to be original ribbon pieces.

I remember i came across an article once explaining the way to ID real original ribbons and recall something about the "saw cut" type on the end of the ribbon, but for the life of me i cannot remember if they said it was a dead give away for a modern repro.


So I am wondering if anyone knows if the "sawcut" end of a ribbon is an original feature or not. I have included a picture of one such medal ribbon that I have seen online recently.


thanks for any help :)

sawcut ribbon.PNG

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The edges of a EK2 ribbon can be an easy indicator of originality. In the first example below, original, you see the looped edge, where the following examples are straight. The white stitching on the edge is also a dead giveaway of a fake. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
Danny J

Ah ok thanks guys, much sppreciated feedback👍🏻😁

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